tennis academy davydenko

Davydenko Tennis Academy

Welcome to our website! Learn who we are, what we do and how we can help you. 
Nice to have you here.

 Follow us on Instagram @davydenko_tennis_academy for News, Camps and More!

Our Tennis Base

We are based in the German town of Kerpen, 15km from Cologne. Perfect conditions in winter in the Racket-Arena Rhein-Erft on the professional courts REBOUND ACE® and in summer on the beautiful layout of the TC Kerpen next to it.

Davydenko Tennis Academy

Our Philosophy

Our work is our passion and a positive drive for every new day. It makes us understand challenge as a chance  to achieve new goals.

Davydenko Tennis Academy

Who we are

We are experienced, reliable, focused on good results and know how to fully exploit the whole potential of our clients, children and professionals.

Davydenko Tennis Academy

Working Together

You are searching for a qualified coach, you have difficulties to improve, you are missing the result or you would like to be teached by experienced tennis coaches who have already trained  a world champion? We look forward to hearing from you and talking about a possible  cooperation. Contact us and we'll do our best to take you to a new level.

Our Values

Why you can count on us? Because our coaches are more than just trainers. Each person in our team is unique, has achieved different and high-quality results as a player and coach - and we all share the same values ​​of professionalism and strong character.

Our Team

We are more than just a bunch of experts: Smart minds work together as friends. Together we put a lot of joy, passion and know-how into our players, that's what distinguishes us.

Our Vision

There is a simple truth: If you believe in what you do, you are surrounded by the right people, you can achieve great things. That's why we want to help you achieve your goal.

Our Partners

Davydenko Tennis Academy